St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
9100 Youree Drive, Shreveport, LA 71115
Ancient Faith Radio
Welcome to St. Nicholas!

Greetings in the name of our Lord and God and Savior, Jesus Christ!

We welcome you to the website of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church. The purpose of this website is to provide an introduction to the Orthodox Church and to our parish, and to provide resources for our members.  We come from a variety of backgrounds, and always welcome visitors to our services, which are all in English.  If you are a first-time visitor or have any questions regarding the Orthodox Church or our parish, please feel free to contact our priest.  We invite you to browse this website, and to "come and see," joining us in worship of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Build St. Nicholas Campaign

By God's grace, our parish community has come a long way over the past 25 years. From meeting in various temporary locations, to purchasing a well-situated property and building our current building, to finally paying off our mortgage, we have now arrived at the point of offering God our desire to build a beautiful, permanent temple to the glory of the Holy Trinity! 

Please visit our new Build St. Nicholas Campaign page to learn more! 

Resources for 2024/2025


Here is a Calendar of Feast Days for the 2024-2025 Liturgical Year: Feast Day Calendar

Here is a Guide to Blessings and Special Prayers offered throughout the year: Blessings

And here is the Parish Events Calendar for 2024-2025: Events Calendar

To make a pledge, please use this form: 2024 Stewardship Form

The Navigator: Our Monthly Newsletter
Y2AM - Youth And Young Adult
Upcoming Services and Events
Saturday, October 12
Youth Group trip to 6 Flags
5:00 9th Hour & Great Vespers
6:00 Confession
Sunday, October 13
8:45 Orthros
10:00 Divine Liturgy
1pm Catechism
Tuesday, October 15
9am Divine Liturgy
Homeschool Co-op
Wednesday, October 16
5:30 Orthros
5:30 Vespers & L2 Catechism, Potluck
Thursday, October 17
9am Divine Liturgy
Homeschool Co-op
Assembly of Bishops News

Welcome to the Orthodox Church
Welcome to the Orthodox Church