St. Nicholas Orthodox Church
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese
9100 Youree Drive, Shreveport, LA 71115
November 17, 2010
Category: Weekly Update
Last updated: 2011-11-15 12:38:48

Blessings on this 3rd day of the Nativity fast, on which we celebrate the feast of St. Gregory the Wonderworker.  St. Gregory lived in the 3rd century, was made bishop of Neocaesarea against his will, and was known as a second Moses for all the miracles he worked.  Here is a  very edifying account from his life of how God delivers those who put all their hope in Him:

"While he was still at the school of philosophy in Alexandria, St. Gregory preserved the purity of his soul and his body, as he preserved it to the end of his life. In this, he was an exception among the dissolute youth of that time. This evoked envy and hatred among his companions. In order to debase Gregory, they found a harlot to help them carry out an evil plan. Once, when Gregory was standing in the square with eminent teachers and philosophers, the foul woman approached him and loudly demanded that Gregory pay her the remainder due for impure relations with her. Some of the people present were scandalized, while others were angry at this shameless woman and began to chase her away; but she shouted even louder, demanding money. The innocent Gregory blushed, as any decent man would before such coarse slander, but he displayed neither anger nor hatred, and asked a friend to give her the amount that she sought so she would leave. The friend heeded Gregory, and gave her the money she wanted. But at that moment God let an evil spirit enter the woman and she fell to the ground and began writhing and convulsing, gnashing her teeth, and foaming at the mouth. Seeing this, everyone was terrified. But St. Gregory, innocent as a lamb, prayed to God for her, and the woman was healed and arose. Thus, instead of humiliation, Gregory acquired even greater glory."  ~ From the Prologue From Ochrid, Nov. 17

Services and Events this week:
This evening (Wed.) 6pm - Vespers, followed by Catechism class
Friday, 7:15am - 1st Hour and Men's Meeting
Saturday, 5:45pm - 9th Hour; 6pm - Great Vespers
Sunday services as usual

- The Nativity of our Lord is coming!  The Nativity Fast started this past Monday, Nov. 15.  This is a lenten fast, with allowance for fish, wine and oil on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.  For Nativity Fast resources for you and your family, see Fr. Daniel.

- Food Needed for Thanksgiving:
The SB Rescue Mission has sent out a request for food to feed the homeless and needy at Thanksgiving.  Especially needed are turkeys and hams, as well as pies and other desserts.  Or, financial donations can be made so that they can purchase the needed food.  If anyone would like to donate through the church, please bring your donations to the church by Friday, Nov. 19, and we will get them to the Mission.  You can also bring your donations directly to the Rescue Mission.  For more details, visit:


- Thanksgiving Liturgy: The Feast of St. Catherine the Great and the Leavetaking of the Entrance of the Theotokos both fall on Thanksgiving this year.  There will be festal services beginning with Great Vespers on Wednesday evening, and Liturgy on Thursday morning.  Before you celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends, come celebrate the Eucharist (the truest Thanksgiving!) with your St. Nicholas family.

-Tolosa Baptism: On Saturday, Nov. 27 at 3pm we will baptize Evangeline Elisabeth Tolosa. Please come and welcome the newest member of St. Nicholas!

-Almsgiving opportunities: Remember to bring in canned/boxed goods for our ongoing food drive, and remember, during this Advent season to look for other ways to give alms to those in need. One way to give alms is to donate to our parish discretionary fund, from which we help those who come to us with special needs.

-Other Parish needs: We need donors for icons and other items in the church, as well as soil and plants (bulbs) for our new gardens. Also, if you can donate a little time and energy, we can use some help with the preparation of the flowerbeds. See Fr. Daniel for details.

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